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您是否正在為您 12 個月至 6 歲的孩子尋找完美的夏令營? 橡子家庭「聚」樂部就是您的不二之選! 我們的營員將在「小醫生」工作坊中盡情探索醫學世界、跳舞和練習跆拳道、學習數學和烹飪技能。 另外,他們會一路上認識新朋友! 點擊連結了解更多。 


您是否正在為您 12 個月至 6 歲的孩子尋找完美的夏令營? 橡子家庭「聚」樂部就是您的不二之選! 我們的營員將在「小醫生」工作坊中盡情探索醫學世界、跳舞和練習跆拳道、學習數學和烹飪技能。 另外,他們會一路上認識新朋友! 點擊連結了解更多。 

奧恩為期5週的夏令營又來啦!從藝術作坊、美食巡遊、小小科學家、活力夏天到叢林歷奇,老師將帶著孩子們一起在歡笑中去探索、體驗、發現、尋找和收穫,讓這個暑假成為他們難忘的假期!如果您有興趣為您的孩子報名參加夏令營活動,請使用以下鏈結報名: https://forms.gle/eFiEu9VjS2mTuYwX7 

奧恩為期5週的夏令營又來啦!從藝術作坊、美食巡遊、小小科學家、活力夏天到叢林歷奇,老師將帶著孩子們一起在歡笑中去探索、體驗、發現、尋找和收穫,讓這個暑假成為他們難忘的假期!如果您有興趣為您的孩子報名參加夏令營活動,請使用以下鏈結報名: https://forms.gle/eFiEu9VjS2mTuYwX7 

在橡子家庭「聚」樂部 慶祝五月母親節!

在橡子家庭「聚」樂部 慶祝五月母親節! 和朋友一起玩耍,享受愉快的下午茶。 我們的獨家套餐提供烹飪課程或親子班課程,以及游戲區通行和下午茶。 讓我們深入探索美味的烹飪世界,製作令人垂涎欲滴的美食,例如鹹味或甜味烤餅、餅乾和蛋塔。 在 橡子家庭「聚」樂部 與您所愛的人一起度過一個難忘而愉快的下午!我們的下午茶包含 1 杯咖啡或茶,並配有美味的糕點或蛋糕。 與我們一起慶祝母親節吧! 友橡子家庭「聚」樂部與您相約,不見不散呀!

在橡子家庭「聚」樂部 慶祝五月母親節!

在橡子家庭「聚」樂部 慶祝五月母親節! 和朋友一起玩耍,享受愉快的下午茶。 我們的獨家套餐提供烹飪課程或親子班課程,以及游戲區通行和下午茶。 讓我們深入探索美味的烹飪世界,製作令人垂涎欲滴的美食,例如鹹味或甜味烤餅、餅乾和蛋塔。 在 橡子家庭「聚」樂部 與您所愛的人一起度過一個難忘而愉快的下午!我們的下午茶包含 1 杯咖啡或茶,並配有美味的糕點或蛋糕。 與我們一起慶祝母親節吧! 友橡子家庭「聚」樂部與您相約,不見不散呀!

Our founder's latest interviews!

Learn how our founder Kimberly's journey leaving the family biz to create @acornplayhouse, a community for both kids and parents. As featured in Upbeat Media and Hong Kong Economic Journel, tap links to read how her dream of quality early learning is serving Hong Kong families 🥰

Read here: https://www.upbeatmediahk.com/article/A/19220 & Link: https://m.hkej.com/landing/mobarticle2/id/3605885

Our founder's latest interviews!

Learn how our founder Kimberly's journey leaving the family biz to create @acornplayhouse, a community for both kids and parents. As featured in Upbeat Media and Hong Kong Economic Journel, tap links to read how her dream of quality early learning is serving Hong Kong families 🥰

Read here: https://www.upbeatmediahk.com/article/A/19220 & Link: https://m.hkej.com/landing/mobarticle2/id/3605885

Book a Private Tour now!

Experience the heartwarming ambiance of our kindergarten💕. Schedule a visit now! Mighty Oaks have dedicated teachers and engaging activities that prepare your child for their first choice of primary school when they graduate.👩‍🏫

📅 Book a visit today. Discover how you can empower your children on their educational path! We can't wait to welcome you! 🧡

🎒歡迎適齡幼兒申請插班: https://admission.ekinder.com.hk/moik

Book a Private Tour now!

Experience the heartwarming ambiance of our kindergarten💕. Schedule a visit now! Mighty Oaks have dedicated teachers and engaging activities that prepare your child for their first choice of primary school when they graduate.👩‍🏫

📅 Book a visit today. Discover how you can empower your children on their educational path! We can't wait to welcome you! 🧡

🎒歡迎適齡幼兒申請插班: https://admission.ekinder.com.hk/moik










Stephanie T

Mighty oaks is a very good school. All teachers, principal and janitors are kind-hearted. My kid likes the school so much and becomes more behaved after attending the PN.

Stephanie T

Mighty oaks is a very good school. All teachers, principal and janitors are kind-hearted. My kid likes the school so much and becomes more behaved after attending the PN.

Lorna Oti-Sarpong

My daughter loves school and we have seen a massive change in her behavior as she is growing so well and inculcating the values she learns from school.

Lorna Oti-Sarpong

My daughter loves school and we have seen a massive change in her behavior as she is growing so well and inculcating the values she learns from school.

Celeste L

Beautiful and clean space with lots of very fun and stimulating materials for kids. Friendly staff and the teachers are really loving towards the children. My daughter went there for a year for playgroup and she thoroughly loved it!

Celeste L

Beautiful and clean space with lots of very fun and stimulating materials for kids. Friendly staff and the teachers are really loving towards the children. My daughter went there for a year for playgroup and she thoroughly loved it!

Ruth W

Beautiful school. I love how their school is focused on character development and their teachers' passion. I signed up after the 2 free trial classes.

Ruth W

Beautiful school. I love how their school is focused on character development and their teachers' passion. I signed up after the 2 free trial classes.

A Chong

Mighty Oaks' safe, comfortable, and cheerful environment, along with the kind and professional teachers, have impressed us. Our son is happy and has made great advancements in his education.

A Chong

Mighty Oaks' safe, comfortable, and cheerful environment, along with the kind and professional teachers, have impressed us. Our son is happy and has made great advancements in his education.

Jackie H

Since joining Mighty Oaks at 1 year old and progressing to PN, my daughter's social confidence has significantly improved. The 1:7 class ratio and cheerful environment with structured and free play have been wonderful.

Jackie H

Since joining Mighty Oaks at 1 year old and progressing to PN, my daughter's social confidence has significantly improved. The 1:7 class ratio and cheerful environment with structured and free play have been wonderful.













Samantha L

Very nice and clean place with friendly staffs. My kid had so much fun. Parents could also enjoy the tea and snacks there. Wonderful experience!

Samantha L

Very nice and clean place with friendly staffs. My kid had so much fun. Parents could also enjoy the tea and snacks there. Wonderful experience!

Bailey M

Wonderful play area for children and a lovely space for parents to relax ! Very friendly and helpful staff. Highly recommend for parents with children ! Everyone enjoys a great time here !

Bailey M

Wonderful play area for children and a lovely space for parents to relax ! Very friendly and helpful staff. Highly recommend for parents with children ! Everyone enjoys a great time here !

Ryan M

We had a fantastic time at Mighty Oak's Playhouse with our 3 young boys. The well-designed play spaces and atmosphere made for a memorable experience. Highly recommended for parents with young kids!

Ryan M

We had a fantastic time at Mighty Oak's Playhouse with our 3 young boys. The well-designed play spaces and atmosphere made for a memorable experience. Highly recommended for parents with young kids!

Agnes W

The summer camp today was fantastic! I'm interested in joining the cooking lesson. Acorn Playhouse is amazing!

Agnes W

The summer camp today was fantastic! I'm interested in joining the cooking lesson. Acorn Playhouse is amazing!

Merry l

Very spacious playroom. My son had lots of fun there. Very clean area. Also a good place for parents to chill

Merry l

Very spacious playroom. My son had lots of fun there. Very clean area. Also a good place for parents to chill

Kathy N

Nice place for kids to play and explore, also parent can have relaxing time in Acorn playhouse too! My kid loves it and we will come back again

Kathy N

Nice place for kids to play and explore, also parent can have relaxing time in Acorn playhouse too! My kid loves it and we will come back again


奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園及橡子家庭「聚」樂部提供從親子班到幼稚園的無縫過渡,我們的課程注重品格教養和在遊戲中學習。百卉九江書院 Bloom KKCA Academy-我們的結龍小學確保孩子們從幼稚園到小學的順利銜接。爲了孩子的個人成長和終身學習習慣的養成,快來加入奧恩大家庭吧!

Kennedy Town

Nursery & Kindergarten Playgroup

Wong Chuk Hang

Playgroup Playhouse

Wong Chuk Hang
(Coming Soon)

Nursery & Kindergarten


奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園及橡子家庭「聚」樂部提供從親子班到幼稚園的無縫過渡,我們的課程注重品格教養和在遊戲中學習。百卉九江書院 Bloom KKCA Academy-我們的結龍小學確保孩子們從幼稚園到小學的順利銜接。爲了孩子的個人成長和終身學習習慣的養成,快來加入奧恩大家庭吧!

Kennedy Town

Wong Chuk Hang

Wong Chuk Hang

Nursery & Kindergarten Playgroup Playgroup Playhouse Nursery & Kindergarten